Fire Loss
DBMP has been retained to pursue subrogation arising out of catastrophic fire loss events across the United States for the past twenty years
DBMP has investigated numerous commercial kitchen fires.
Our subrogation team works closely with experts in the field to examine all aspect of the cooking and suppression systems, including hoods, duct work, nozzles, cartridges, and cooking surfaces to determine if the conduct of an outside entity may have caused or contributed to the loss.
DBMP’s subrogation team secured a settlement for the insurer of a high school which rented its gymnasium to a nationally recognized educational program which managed science and electronics based events between competing high school teams. With the competition set to begin on a Saturday morning, the program leaders arranged the electronics in the gymnasium and left for the night. A fire started several hours after their departure. The fire department investigated and ruled the cause undetermined. Through extensive discovery, DBMP developed evidence that the program failed to take appropriate steps to ensure that the high school gymnasium was a safe location for the tournament. We also argued that the program had exclusive control of the gymnasium and that under the applicable state law, the program was therefore liable for the damages sustained. The case settled at mediation after completion of discovery and within several weeks of trial.
Fire in a luxury seafood market in Maine believed to have started as a result of spontaneous combustion in woodchip bucket near the smoker. Litigation led to the discovery of additional evidence and ultimately a recovery for the insurer of the building.